

This page display the submited results for Detection Leaderboards. For each submission, we display several main metrics in main table. For detailed information, more metrics, per-sequence results and visualisation (coming soon), please click submission name. For all tables, you can click headers to sort the results. Note you can download the submission zip file as well. Legends, metrics descriptions and reference are displayed after leaderboards table.

2D Detection Submissions

Name OSPAIoU AP0.3 AP0.5 AP0.7

0.592 75.916% 67.883% 44.897%
Y. He, W. Yu, J. Han, X. Wei, X. Hong and Y. Gong Know Your Surroundings: Panoramic Multi-Object Tracking by Multimodality Collaboration in CVPRW, 2021

0.607 75.766% 68.097% 45.121%
Anonymous Submission

0.626 75.075% 67.381% 43.79%
Anonymous Submission

0.629 74.219% 65.985% 40.896%
Anonymous Submission

0.668 65.424% 59.718% 40.158%
Anonymous Submission

0.682 61.787% 52.168% 29.515%
S. Ren, K. He, R. Girshick and J. Sun Faster R-CNN: Towards Real-Time Object Detection with Region Proposal Networks. in NeurIPS, 2015

0.721 63.884% 48.664% 22.769%
N. Carion, F. Massa, G. Synnaeve, N. Usunier, A. Kirillov, S. Zagoruyko. End-to-End Object Detection with Transformers. in ECCV, 2020

0.733 61.861% 50.38% 27.165%
T. Lin, P. Goyal, R. Girshick, K. He and P. Dollรกr. Focal Loss for Dense Object Detection in ICCV, 2017

0.74 55.569% 41.731% 20.906%
J. Redmon and A. Farhadi YOLOv3: An Incremental Improvement in arXiv, 2018

0.957 2.031% 0.365% 0.022%
Anonymous Submission

3D Detection Submissions

Name OSPAIoU AP0.3 AP0.5 AP0.7

0.557 76.282% 47.436% 7.053%
Anonymous Submission

0.56 75.987% 48.066% 6.564%
Anonymous Submission

0.572 76.905% 46.076% 5.296%
Jinzheng Guang, Zhengxi Hu, Shichao Wu, Qianyi Zhang, Jingtai Liuโˆ— RPEA: A Residual Path Network with Efficient Attention for 3D Pedestrian Detection from Point Clouds in Expert Systems With Applications, 2024

0.572 76.153% 46.314% 5.366%
Anonymous Submission

0.582 76.351% 42.016% 2.649%
Dan Jia, and Bastian Leibe Person-MinkUNet: 3D Person Detection with LiDAR Point Cloud in CVPRW 2021

0.652 75.578% 20.238% 0.632%
Anonymous Submission

0.653 63.589% 17.054% 0.604%
Tengteng Huang, Zhe Liu, Xiwu Chen, and Xiang Bai EPNet: Enhancing Point Features with Image Semantics for 3D Object Detection in ECCV, 2020

0.655 66.631% 18.661% 0.671%
Tengteng Huang, Zhe Liu, Xiwu Chen, and Xiang Bai EPNet: Enhancing Point Features with Image Semantics for 3D Object Detection in ECCV, 2020

0.66 74.284% 42.617% 4.886%
Duy-Tho Le, Hengcan Shi, Hamid Rezatofighi, Jianfei Cai Accurate and Real-time 3D Pedestrian Detection Using an Efficient Attentive Pillar Network in IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters